We have yet to rappel down to an office from a hovering helicopter like a Coast Guard rescue swimmer, but we do routinely perform lifesaving rescues. To recover from backup an accidentally deleted folder of important spreadsheets and documents, or someone’s file littered desktop, or even an entire server does make you feel like a hero of sorts. Not exactly Superman braced for battle, cape fluttering in the breeze, but perhaps a tier 3 technical support super hero. For us there is nothing more satisfying than solving a technical networking or computer problem, large or small, that results in a happy client.
Many of the businesses we provide IT support for contacted us after years of getting by on their own by cobbling together PC’s, network printers and a few shared folders scattered around office PC’s. They might have an employee with some computer skills, or a son or niece who helps them out, or they may have a moonlighting IT tech whose day-job is at the help-desk for a large company. Often the IT Admin is the company owner laboring to keep everyone working.
Eventually the network services that keep failing, or never worked, and anxious hours spent patching freezing computers, and recovering lost shared folder connections, or Internet connections take their toll. When the part-time IT Admin is too busy to help, the wiz kid is hiking the Appalachian Trail, and the owner is so underwater with her own work to respond to, “I can’t print” or “the spreadsheet I’ve been working on all morning just disappeared,” we get the call.
I’ve been a business owner for several decades and I’m aware how difficult it is to surrender control and hire professional help. So many times, we think we’re saving money by doing it ourselves when we could earn more focusing on our expertise on our own job and hiring experts to do their jobs. It took years of cutting my lawn myself before I figured out that in those two-hours I could earn more than enough to pay a company that does it quicker and better. Now, when I turn into my driveway to see that the landscaper has come and gone leaving behind a neatly trimmed deep green lawn I crack a little smile. I gave my lawnmower to my daughter and don’t worry about fertilizing or dandelions or who’s going to cut it while we’re on vacation.

Laboring to keep your growing computer network online and performing is comparable. As your business has expanded, IT systems grow in complexity and the ill effect of employee down-time and frustration compounds. Slingshot Information Systems provides expert IT support and services to dozens of small businesses within Boston’s greater North Shore. From our Rockport Office we monitor and manage over seven hundred desktops computers, laptops, servers, firewalls, and printers.
The resulting economies of scale let us provide basic computer monitoring, patch management, remote support systems and malware protection for less than many businesses pay for anti-virus software alone. Computer support issues that you struggle with are routine for us and are quickly resolved via remote support or an onsite visit. You and your staff are free to focus on your business and your customers.
Contact Slingshot today to discuss your computer support needs. We can schedule a free site visit to review your IT network, share some ideas for solutions and provide a fast and detailed quote to setup Slingshot’s Virtual Rescue Helicopter to secure your IT network with our Managed IT